Thursday, June 16, 2011

Experimental Psychology - Notes to be written on the beginning of practical record.

Psychological testing is a field characterized by the use of samples of behavior in order to assess psychological construct(s), such as cognitive and emotional functioning, about a given individual. The technical term for the science behind psychological testing is psychometrics. By samples of behavior, one means observations of an individual performing tasks that have usually been prescribed beforehand, which often means scores on a test. These responses are often compiled into statistical tables that allow the evaluator to compare the behavior of the individual being tested to the responses of a norm group.
Psychological assessment is similar to psychological testing but usually involves a more comprehensive assessment of the individual. Psychological assessment is a process that involves the integration of information from multiple sources, such as tests of normal and abnormal personality, tests of ability or intelligence, tests of interests or attitudes, as well as information from personal interviews. Collateral information is also collected about personal, occupational, or medical history, such as from records or from interviews with parents, spouses, teachers, or previous therapists or physicians. A psychological test is one of the sources of data used within the process of assessment; usually more than one test is used. Many psychologists do some level of assessment when providing services to clients or patients, and may use for example, simple checklists to assess some traits or symptoms, but psychological assessment is a more complex, detailed, in-depth process. Typical types of focus for psychological assessment are to provide a diagnosis for treatment settings; to assess a particular area of functioning or disability often for school settings; to help select type of treatment or to assess treatment outcomes; to help courts decide issues such as child custody or competency to stand trial; or to help assess job applicants or employees and provide career development counseling or training.

Experimental Psychology

Experimental psychology had its origin in Fechner's psychological theory and psycho-physical methods in the third quarters of nineteenth century. Gustav Theodor Fechner [1801- 1887] a German physicist and philosopher was very much interested in studying the relationship between mind and body and the problems involved in it. He was working on it for  more than one year and atlast was able to evolve a theory even before the time when Fechner was concentrating on mind body problems. There were also other scientist working on the relationship between the body, soul or spirit (mind). Fechner has perceived this problem from different angle with his experience and knowledge in physics and physiology.
Experiment is a plan investigation to provide evidence for or against the hypothesis. I t is  an act of conducting an investigation of test. En experiment may be a plan and conducted based upon some natural event or hypothetic assumption.
Experimental psychology according to Sheridon, Experiemental psychology is a branch of psychology in which experimental methods are used. Whenever experimental method is applied to psychological events it is an instinct of experimental psychology.
Objectives of experimental psychology:
·         The primary object of experimental psychology is study of behavious of organism systematically.
·         It also tries to predict the conditions into which the specific psychological event occur.
·         To predict the behavior of the population from the results obtain from the sample.
·         Tries to fulfill certain functions of Measurement Analysis Synthesis of the subject matter

The Scientific method
  (Write notes about the following)
Observation - Write about empirical
Description - Operational defition
Hypothesis formation


Notes on 16PF will be published on next wednesday only.

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